Aoibheann - A happy girl name
Learn more about Aoibheann, Aoibheann means "beautiful", "pleasant", and "of radiant beauty" in Irish Gaelic.. A name of 9 letters that starts with A.
Learn more about Aoibheann, Aoibheann means "beautiful", "pleasant", and "of radiant beauty" in Irish Gaelic.. A name of 9 letters that starts with A.
Learn more about Ellin, Ellin, meaning "light" or "shining one", is a strong and radiant name with Greek roots.. A name of 5 letters that starts with E.
Learn more about Ellyna, Ellyna is a beautiful and unique name of Greek origins. This name is often associated with themes of light and radiance, making it the perfect choice for any birth..
Learn more about Elyna, Elyna, a beautiful and light-filled name of Greek origin, captures the essence of a radiant and shining personality..
Learn more about Éléna, Éléna is the French form of the names Elena or Helen, which are of Greek origin.. A name of 5 letters that starts with É.
Learn more about Ileana, Ileana is the Romanian form of the Greek name Helen, which can be traced back to the ancient Greek words 'Ηλένη/helénĕ' (torch) and 'Ηλίος/hēlios' (sun)..