Vajen - A soft girl name
Learn more about Vajen, The name Vajen doesn't have a known specific meaning.. A name of 5 letters that starts with V.
Learn more about Vajen, The name Vajen doesn't have a known specific meaning.. A name of 5 letters that starts with V.
Learn more about Vajenn, The name Vajenn doesn't have a specific meaning.. A name of 6 letters that starts with V.
Learn more about Vajèn, Vajèn is a modern name that appeared in the Netherlands. It is a unique and uncommon name that has no known meaning, making it a mysterious and intriguing choice for parents..
Learn more about Vajén, Vajén is a feminine name of Dutch origin that has gained popularity in recent years.. A name of 5 letters that starts with V.
Learn more about Valdemar, Valdemar is a powerful and regal name that has been borne by kings and princes throughout history. It is a name that connotes strength, leadership, and success..
Learn more about Valentin, Valentin is a strong and vigorous name of Latin origin, popular in many countries. It is often associated with a strong sense of health and vitality..