Apolline - A mythological girl name
Learn more about Apolline, Apolline is a feminine name that carries the essence of the Greek god Apollo, known for his radiant light, healing abilities, and association with music, art, and prophecy..
Learn more about Apolline, Apolline is a feminine name that carries the essence of the Greek god Apollo, known for his radiant light, healing abilities, and association with music, art, and prophecy..
Learn more about Daiana, Daiana means " divine," " goddesslike," " heavenly, " and "luminous.". A name of 6 letters that starts with D.
Learn more about Elizah, God is abundance, God is my oath, God has sworn. A name of 6 letters that starts with E.
Learn more about Eloï, Eloī is a biblical name of a male origin, used by Jesus in the well known sentence “Eloī, Eloī, lema sabachtani!”, meaning “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me!”.
Learn more about Isalie, God is abundance. A name of 6 letters that starts with I.
Learn more about Julya, Julya is ultimately derived from the Roman family name Julius or Iulius, which may have Greek roots..