Tilli - A soft girl name
Learn more about Tilli, Tilli is a short variant of Ottilie and Mathilde, both of which have Germanic origins.. A name of 5 letters that starts with T.
Tilli is a charming and unique name with a rich history and meaning. It embodies strength, wealth, and prosperity, making it a perfect choice for parents who want their daughter to have a name that reflects her potential and character.
What’s the origin of Tilli
Tilli is a short variant of Ottilie and Mathilde, both of which have Germanic origins.
What’s the meaning of Tilli
Tilli means “rich”, “prosperous”, or “wealthy” (from Old High German “ot” = property/wealth/fortune) and “strength in battle” (from Old High German “maht” = strength/might + “hiltja” = battle).
Variants of Tilli
Similar names
Tilli (Tih-lee) is a slightly difficult name to pronounce with a soft sonority