Millie - A soft girl name
Learn more about Millie, Millie is a beautiful feminine name with various origins and meanings. It is often seen as a nickname for names like Emmeline, Millicent, Mildred, and Camilla..
Millie is a beautiful feminine name with various origins and meanings. It is often seen as a nickname for names like Emmeline, Millicent, Mildred, and Camilla.
What’s the origin of Millie
Millie is derived from the Germanic element “mil”, meaning “strong” or “work” and the Latin name “Aemilius”, meaning “rival” or “eager”.
What’s the meaning of Millie
Millie can mean “strong-willed”, “rival”, “eager”, “gentle strength”, “strong in work”, or “brave strength”, depending on its origin.
Variants of Millie
Similar names
Millie (mil-ee) is a slightly difficult name to pronounce with a soft sonority