Sören - A pleasant boy name
Learn more about Sören, Sören is a masculine name of German and Swedish origin, born by a famous Danish philosopher Søren Kierkegaard..
Sören is a masculine name of German and Swedish origin, born by a famous Danish philosopher Søren Kierkegaard.
What’s the origin of Sören
Sören is a German and Swedish form of the Danish name Søren, which in turn goes back to the Latin name Severinus.
What’s the meaning of Sören
The name Sören means “stern” or “severe”.
Variants of Sören
- Severinus
- Søren
- Søeren
- Sønn
Similar names
- Soren
- Severyn
- Severn
- Sevrin
- Severn
Sören (soh-ren) is a slightly difficult name to pronounce with a pleasant sonority