Rico - A pleasant boy name
Learn more about Rico, Rico is a strong and powerful name with a rich history and multiple meanings. It is a short form of Enrico and Ricardo, which means "home ruler" or "brave ruler"..
Rico is a strong and powerful name with a rich history and multiple meanings. It is a short form of Enrico and Ricardo, which means “home ruler” or “brave ruler”.
What’s the origin of Rico
Rico is of German, Italian, and Spanish origin.
What’s the meaning of Rico
Rico means “home ruler” (from Old High German “hagan” = enclosure or “heim” = home + “rihhi” = powerful/rich/mighty/ruler) and “brave ruler” (from Old High German “harti” = strong/brave/hardy). In Spanish it also means “cute”.
Variants of Rico
- Enrico
- Ricardo
- Federico
- Rigo
- Rik
- Ricky
Similar names
Rico (rih-koh) is a slightly difficult name to pronounce with a pleasant sonority