Noëlie - A soft girl name
Learn more about Noëlie, Noélie means "birthday of the Lord" or "Christmas," and symbolizes being born during the joyous season of Christ's birth..
The name Noélie, meaning “birthday of the Lord” or “Christmas”, holds a special connection to the joyous occasion of Jesus’ birth. It is a feminized form of the masculine name Noël, exuding a sense of festive cheer and spiritual significance.
What’s the origin of Noëlie
Noélie is of Latin origin, stemming from the Latin word “natalis,” meaning “birthday,” and the French term “noël,” which means “Christmas.”
What’s the meaning of Noëlie
Noélie means “birthday of the Lord” or “Christmas,” and symbolizes being born during the joyous season of Christ’s birth.
Variants of Noëlie
- Noeli
- Noelie
- Noellie
Similar names
Noëlie (noⴁ-ee-lee) is a slightly difficult name to pronounce with a soft sonority