Mira - A natural girl name
Learn more about Mira, Mira has roots in Sanskrit, Proto-Slavic, Latin, Greek, Albanian, and Kurdish.. A name of 4 letters that starts with M.
Mira is a versatile name with multiple origins and meanings. It is associated with the ocean, peace, wonder, fate, and nobility. Its cross-cultural appeal makes it a popular choice for parents worldwide.
What’s the origin of Mira
Mira has roots in Sanskrit, Proto-Slavic, Latin, Greek, Albanian, and Kurdish.
What’s the meaning of Mira
The name Mira has various meanings, including “ocean” or “sea” in Sanskrit, “peace” in Proto-Slavic, “wonderful” or “wonder” in Latin, “fate” in ancient Greek, and “goodness” or “kindness” in Albanian.
Variants of Mira
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Mira (MEER-ah) is a slightly difficult name to pronounce with a soft sonority