Mara - A soft girl name
Learn more about Mara, Bitterness (Hebrew), Woman (Syrian, Maltese), Sea (Gaelic), Beautiful (Nigerian Igbo). A name of 4 letters that starts with M.
A name of diverse origins, Mara holds a variety of meanings across cultures. In Hebrew, it signifies “bitterness,” while in Syrian and Maltese, it represents “woman.” In Gaelic, the name translates to “sea,” and in Nigerian (Igbo), it embodies “beauty.”
What’s the origin of Mara
Hebrew, Syrian, Maltese, Gaelic, Nigerian (Igbo)
What’s the meaning of Mara
Bitterness (Hebrew), Woman (Syrian, Maltese), Sea (Gaelic), Beautiful (Nigerian Igbo)
Variants of Mara
- Maara
- Marah
- Maro
Similar names
Mara (Mah-rah) is a slightly difficult name to pronounce with a soft sonority