Marthe - A soft girl name
Learn more about Marthe, Marthe is a girl's name of Aramaic and Accadian origin, meaning 'mistress' or 'ruler'. It is also a Norwegian and French variant of the biblical name Marta..
Marthe is a girl’s name of Aramaic and Accadian origin, meaning ‘mistress’ or ‘ruler’. It is also a Norwegian and French variant of the biblical name Marta.
What’s the origin of Marthe
Aramaic, Accadian
What’s the meaning of Marthe
Mistress, ruler, daughter
Variants of Marthe
Similar names
- Martha
- Marta
- Marhta
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- Marthina
- Marthi
- Marthina
- Marthine
- Marthita
- Martho
- Marthy
- Martica
- Martica
- Martiza
- Martize
Marthe (Mar-t) is a slightly difficult name to pronounce with a soft sonority