Ida - A soft girl name
Learn more about Ida, Ida is a name with multiple origins and meanings. It is a girl's name found in various cultures and languages..
Ida is a name with multiple origins and meanings. It is a girl’s name found in various cultures and languages.
What’s the origin of Ida
Ida derived from the name Iduberga and from other Old High German names beginning with “Id-”.
What’s the meaning of Ida
Ida means “work” or “labour” (from Old High German “idh”), “industrious one” (from Old High German “id”), “wise woman”, “woman” or “virgin” (from Old High German “itis”) or “battle” (from Old High German “hild or “hiltja”). Besides, Ida means “noble natured”, “of noble type” or “noble person” (from Adelaida) and “heroine” (from Iraida).
Variants of Ida
- Yda
Similar names
- Ita
- Ada
- Itha
Ida (ˌːːʰ) is a slightly difficult name to pronounce with a soft sonority