· name with l

Learn more about Liah, a name of 4 letters that starts with L.

Liah - A soft girl name

Learn more about Liah, a name of 4 letters that starts with L.

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Liah is a gentle and melodic name with a rich history and several cultural and linguistic origins. It carries a variety of meanings and associations, making it a meaningful and versatile choice for parents.

What’s the origin of Liah

Liah is ultimately derived from the Hebrew name Leah, which means “weary”. However, it is also associated with the Latin word “lea”, meaning “lioness”, and the Greek word “lia”, meaning “sunbeam”.

What’s the meaning of Liah

‘Weary’, ‘cow’, ‘lioness’, ‘mistress’, ‘God is abundance’, ‘God is my oath’, ‘of the Aemilius family’, ‘rival’, ‘eager’, ‘of the family of the Julii’, ‘dedicated to Jupiter’, ‘devoted to Jove’.

Variants of Liah

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Liah (LY-ah) is a slightly difficult name to pronounce with a soft sonority

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