Liya - A natural girl name
Learn more about Liya, I am with God, tender, weary, cow, lioness, ruler, mistress, God is abundance, God is my oath, of the Aemilius family, rival, dedicated to Jupiter / Jove.
Liya is a popular name with Hebrew origins, often used among Jewish people. It carries various meanings, including “I am with God” and “tender,” and has many variants such as Lia, Leah, and Aaliyah.
What’s the origin of Liya
What’s the meaning of Liya
I am with God, tender, weary, cow, lioness, ruler, mistress, God is abundance, God is my oath, of the Aemilius family, rival, dedicated to Jupiter / Jove
Variants of Liya
Similar names
Liya (lee-ah) is an easy name to pronounce with a soft sonority