Lenja - A natural girl name
Learn more about Lenja, Lenja is a Russian short variant of the name Helena, which is derived from the ancient Greek name Helene (Λενη)..
Lenja is a lovely feminine name with Greek roots that exude a sense of brightness and beauty. It is often associated with the luminous qualities of the moon and sun, making it a perfect choice for those seeking a name that reflects divine light and radiance.
What’s the origin of Lenja
Lenja is a Russian short variant of the name Helena, which is derived from the ancient Greek name Helene (Λενη).
What’s the meaning of Lenja
Lenja means “torch” (from ancient Greek ηλένη/helénē) and “beautiful”, “light”, “bright” and “shining” (from ancient Greek ηλίος/Ηλίος = sun/sunlight/sunshine). The name is as well derived from ancient Greek σελήνη/selēnē meaning “moon”.
Variants of Lenja
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Lenja (len-ya) is an easy name to pronounce with a soft sonority