Leïla - A natural girl name
Learn more about Leïla, Leïla is a beautiful and unique name with Arabic origins. It means “night” and “lilac,” evoking images of mystery, beauty, and nature..
Leïla is a beautiful and unique name with Arabic origins. It means “night” and “lilac,” evoking images of mystery, beauty, and nature.
What’s the origin of Leïla
The name Leïla is derived from the Arabic word ليلّ (layl), meaning “night.” It is also related to the Turkish word ılık, meaning “lilac.”
What’s the meaning of Leïla
Leïla means “night” in Arabic and “lilac” in Turkish. It symbolizes mystery, beauty, and the beauty of the night sky.
Variants of Leïla
Similar names
Leïla (lay-LA) is a slightly difficult name to pronounce with a soft sonority