Ellianna - A natural girl name
Learn more about Ellianna, Ellianna, a beautiful and versatile name, holds multiple origins and meanings. It embodies a divine connection, a graceful presence, and a joyful spirit..
Ellianna, a beautiful and versatile name, holds multiple origins and meanings. It embodies a divine connection, a graceful presence, and a joyful spirit.
What’s the origin of Ellianna
Ellianna is a combination of Eliana, which stems from the Hebrew name Elijah, and Aeliana, originating from Greek.
What’s the meaning of Ellianna
Ellianna means ‘my God has answered me’ in Hebrew, ‘my God is Yahweh’ from Elijah, and ‘sun’ in Greek, symbolizing divine favor, warmth, and enlightenment.
Variants of Ellianna
Similar names
Ellianna (e-lee-AH-nuh) is a slightly difficult name to pronounce with a pleasant sonority