Eljana - A natural girl name
Learn more about Eljana, Sun, sunlight, sunshine, my God has answered me, my God is Yahweh. A name of 6 letters that starts with E.
Eljana is a feminine name with multiple origins and meanings. It is a variant of Eliana, which is a Latin name derived from the Greek name Aeliana. Eljana is also considered a feminine form of the masculine name Elijah, meaning ‘my God is Yahweh’. Additionally, the name Eljana can be interpreted as meaning ‘my God has answered me’ in Hebrew or ‘sun’, ‘sunlight’, and ‘sunshine’ in ancient Greek.
What’s the origin of Eljana
Greek, Hebrew, Latin
What’s the meaning of Eljana
Sun, sunlight, sunshine, my God has answered me, my God is Yahweh
Variants of Eljana
Similar names
Eljana (el-YA-na) is a slightly difficult name to pronounce with a pleasant sonority