Cattleya - A natural girl name
Learn more about Cattleya, Cattley means “orchid”.. A name of 8 letters that starts with C.
Cattleya is a beautiful and unique name with a botanical origin. It is the name of a tropical South American orchid, which was named after the British orchid grower William Cattley. The name Cattleya means “orchid”, and it is a fitting name for a child who is as beautiful and delicate as a flower.
What’s the origin of Cattleya
The name Cattleya derived from a tropical South American orchid, which was named after the British orchid grower William Cattley (1788-1835).
What’s the meaning of Cattleya
Cattley means “orchid”.
Variants of Cattleya
- Catleya
Similar names
- Calanthe
- Cattleya
- Cymbidium
- Dendrobium
- Paphiopedilum
- Phalaenopsis
Cattleya (kat-LEE-yuh) is a slightly difficult name to pronounce with a soft sonority