Ardie - A natural unisex name
Learn more about Ardie, Ardie is a charming and gender-neutral name with a variety of meanings, including "highland", "fiery", and "ardent". It evokes images of mountain peaks and passionate spirits..
Ardie is a charming and gender-neutral name with a variety of meanings, including “highland”, “fiery”, and “ardent”. It evokes images of mountain peaks and passionate spirits.
What’s the origin of Ardie
Ardie is a form of Arden, an English name derived from the Old English words “earden” and “denu”, meaning “high” and “valley”.
What’s the meaning of Ardie
The name Ardie carries several meanings, including “high”, “highland”, “ardent”, “fiery”, “valley of the eagle”, “great forest”, and “bear”.
Variants of Ardie
Similar names
Ardie (AHR-dee) is a slightly difficult name to pronounce with a soft sonority