Aila - A natural girl name
Learn more about Aila, Aila is a Sami variant of Helga and is popular in Scandinavia and Finland. Besides, Aila is a Scottish name and a variant of the Turkish name Ayla, as well as an Arabic name..
Aila is a sweet and versatile name with many possible meanings. Whether you are drawn to its Scandinavian, Scottish, Turkish, or Arabic roots, this name offers a beautiful and unique choice for your child.
What’s the origin of Aila
Aila is a Sami variant of Helga and is popular in Scandinavia and Finland. Besides, Aila is a Scottish name and a variant of the Turkish name Ayla, as well as an Arabic name.
What’s the meaning of Aila
The meanings of Aila include “blessed,” “holy,” or “healthy” from Helga, “from a strong place” in Scottish Gaelic, “moonlight” or “halo” in Turkish, “oak tree” and “terebinth tree” in Hebrew, and “high,” “lofty,” or “elevated” in Arabic.
Variants of Aila
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Aila (AY-luh) is a slightly difficult name to pronounce with a soft sonority