Aylah - A natural girl name
Learn more about Aylah, Aylah is a beautiful and unique name with a rich history and meaning. It is perfect for a baby girl who is destined to be a strong and independent woman..
Aylah is a beautiful and unique name with a rich history and meaning. It is perfect for a baby girl who is destined to be a strong and independent woman.
What’s the origin of Aylah
Aylah is a form of the Hebrew and Turkish name Ayla.
What’s the meaning of Aylah
The name Aylah means “terebinth tree” or “oak tree” in Hebrew and “moonlight”, “halo (around the moon)” or “with the moon” in Turkish.
Variants of Aylah
Similar names
Aylah (Ay-lah) is a slightly difficult name to pronounce with a soft sonority