Yulian - A pleasant boy name
Learn more about Yulian, Yulian means “own-bearded” or “corn sheaf”, possibly derived from the ancient Greek ίουλος (ίουλος) meaning “downy-beard” or “bearded”..
Yulian is a masculine name with multiple origins and meanings. It is a Russian and Bulgarian form of the name Julian, which has Roman roots, and a Spanish form of the Latin name Julianus.
What’s the origin of Yulian
The name Yulian originated from the Roman cognomen Julianus and Julius or Iulius, which may be of Greek origin. It is also related to the Roman god Jupiter.
What’s the meaning of Yulian
Yulian means “own-bearded” or “corn sheaf”, possibly derived from the ancient Greek ίουλος (ίουλος) meaning “downy-beard” or “bearded”.
Variants of Yulian
Yulian (YOO-lee-ahn) is a difficult name to pronounce with a pleasant sonority