Yona - A natural unisex name
Learn more about Yona, Yona is a unisex name of Hebrew origin, meaning "dove". It is a name of Spanish, Greek, and Hebrew languages. It is also a name of biblical origin, from the prophet Jonah..
Yona is a unisex name of Hebrew origin, meaning “dove”. It is a name of Spanish, Greek, and Hebrew languages. It is also a name of biblical origin, from the prophet Jonah.
What’s the origin of Yona
Hebrew name Yonah (יוֹנָה), derived from the ancient Greek word “oiʻnʿs/oʼiʻʽˌ” meaning “sign” or “omen”.
What’s the meaning of Yona
Dove or pigeon, originally derived from the ancient Greek word “oiʻnʿs/oʼiʻʽˌ” meaning “sign” or “omen”.
Variants of Yona
Similar names
Yona (YOH-nah) is a slightly difficult name to pronounce with a soft sonority