Wictoria - A soft girl name
Learn more about Wictoria, Wictoria means "victory", "winner", and "conqueror" in Latin.. A name of 8 letters that starts with W.
Wictoria is a feminine name that radiates strength and determination. It is a Scandinavian variant of Victoria, originating from the Roman goddess of victory, Victoria. The name carries the essence of triumph and success.
What’s the origin of Wictoria
The name Wictoria is a Scandinavian variant of the Latin name Victoria, which originates in the Roman goddess Victoria.
What’s the meaning of Wictoria
Wictoria means “victory”, “winner”, and “conqueror” in Latin.
Variants of Wictoria
Wictoria (Wik-TOR-ee-ah) is a slightly difficult name to pronounce with a soft sonority