Vitus - A soft boy name
Learn more about Vitus, Life, alive, life-giver, wood, forest, or a person from Bithynia. A name of 5 letters that starts with V.
Vitus is a Latin name with multiple meanings and derivations. It could be derived from Old High German “witu” meaning “wood” or “forest”, or from Latin “vita” meaning “life”, “alive”, or “life-giver”. Additionally, Vitus may originate from the Thracian name “bitus”, meaning “a person from Bithynia”, an ancient region in Turkey.
What’s the origin of Vitus
What’s the meaning of Vitus
Life, alive, life-giver, wood, forest, or a person from Bithynia
Variants of Vitus
- Vittus
Similar names
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Vitus (vee-tus) is a slightly difficult name to pronounce with a soft sonority