Vasili - A soft boy name
Learn more about Vasili, Kingly, Royal. A name of 6 letters that starts with V.
Vasili is a masculine name of Greek origin, meaning “kingly” or “royal”. It is the Russian form of the name Basil, which is derived from the Greek word βασιλευς (basileus), meaning “king” or “lord”. Vasili is a popular name in Russia, Ukraine, and other Eastern European countries.
What’s the origin of Vasili
What’s the meaning of Vasili
Kingly, Royal
Variants of Vasili
- Vassili
- Wassili
Similar names
- Basil
- Vasilis
- Vasilios
- Vasily
Vasili (vuh-SEE-lee) is a slightly difficult name to pronounce with a soft sonority