Thalya - A happy girl name
Learn more about Thalya, Thalya means "abundance" and "the joyous" (from ancient Greek "thállein/\u03b8\u03ac\u03bb\u03bb\u03b5\u03b9\u03bd" = to flourish/to bloom)..
Thalya is a name of Greek origin that refers to the Greek goddess of festivity, comedy, and the idyllic poems known as “idylls”. It is known for its connection to joy, abundance, and flourishing.
What’s the origin of Thalya
What’s the meaning of Thalya
Thalya means “abundance” and “the joyous” (from ancient Greek “thállein/\u03b8\u03ac\u03bb\u03bb\u03b5\u03b9\u03bd” = to flourish/to bloom).
Variants of Thalya
Similar names
Thalya (thə-LEE-uh) is a slightly difficult name to pronounce with a soft sonority