Stacy - A pleasant unisex name
Learn more about Stacy, Resurrection (for girls), Well-built, steadfast, stable (for boys). A name of 5 letters that starts with S.
Stacy, a name with Greek origins, carries diverse meanings. For girls, it symbolizes “resurrection” and “rebirth,” drawing on the Greek term “anastasis.” For boys, it conveys strength and stability, stemming from the Greek words “eu” (good) and “histēmi” (to stand).
What’s the origin of Stacy
What’s the meaning of Stacy
Resurrection (for girls), Well-built, steadfast, stable (for boys)
Variants of Stacy
- Stacey
Similar names
- Anastasia
- Eustace
- Stacye
Stacy (STAY-see) is a slightly difficult name to pronounce with a pleasant sonority