Severin - A soft boy name
Learn more about Severin, Severin signifies "strict," "severe," "serious," and "stern.". A name of 7 letters that starts with S.
The strong and steadfast name Severin holds roots in ancient Roman history, emanating from the Severus family. Its meaning, stemming from the Latin word “severus,” embodies traits of sternness, strictness, and a serious demeanor.
What’s the origin of Severin
Severin is of Latin origin, derived from the Old Roman family name Severus.
What’s the meaning of Severin
Severin signifies “strict,” “severe,” “serious,” and “stern.”
Variants of Severin
- Severyn
- Severinus
- Severine
Similar names
Severin (sə-vuh-reyean) is a slightly difficult name to pronounce with a soft sonority