Seraina - A soft girl name
Learn more about Seraina, Seraina captures the essence of tranquility, evoking images of clear skies, calm waters, and a peaceful state of mind..
The charming name Seraina, with a rich history dating back to ancient Rome, personifies serenity and calmness. It’s a cherished name in the Swiss Engadine valley, where its melodic sound echoes through the enchanting landscapes.
What’s the origin of Seraina
Seraina is a Romansh name derived from the Roman name Serenus, signifying peacefulness and harmony.
What’s the meaning of Seraina
Seraina captures the essence of tranquility, evoking images of clear skies, calm waters, and a peaceful state of mind.
Variants of Seraina
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Seraina (seh-RAY-nah) is a slightly difficult name to pronounce with a soft sonority