Seán - A soft boy name
Learn more about Seán, Through the Hebrew elements 'yo/'יו' and 'חנן/'×נן', Seán embodies the profound belief in God's grace and benevolence..
Seán is a classic Irish male name, brimming with charm and cultural significance. It holds the distinction of being the Irish counterpart of the venerable John, anchoring it to a rich tapestry of history and tradition.
What’s the origin of Seán
Seán finds its roots in the ancient and dulcet Hebrew name Yochanan, which translates to ‘Yahweh is gracious’ or ‘Yahweh is merciful.’
What’s the meaning of Seán
Through the Hebrew elements ‘yo/’יו’ and ‘חנן/‘×נן’, Seán embodies the profound belief in God’s grace and benevolence.
Variants of Seán
Seán (SAYN) is a slightly difficult name to pronounce with a soft sonority