· name with r

Learn more about Rei, Hebrew, Japanese. A name of 3 letters that starts with R.

Rei - A natural unisex name

Learn more about Rei, Hebrew, Japanese. A name of 3 letters that starts with R.

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Rei is a gender-neutral name of Hebrew and Japanese origin, carrying significant meanings in both cultures. As a Japanese name, it can mean “spirit”, “bell”, “gratitude”, “sound of jewels”, or “lovely” and “beautiful,” capturing the essence of diverse characteristics. In Hebrew, Rei means “friendly” or “(God) is friend”, highlighting bonds of friendship and divine connections.

What’s the origin of Rei

Hebrew, Japanese

What’s the meaning of Rei

The Hebrew meaning of Rei is “friendly” or “(God) is friend”, while the Japanese meaning varies depending on the kanji used, conveying qualities like “spirit”, “bell”, “gratitude”, “sound of jewels”, or “lovely” and “beautiful.”

Variants of Rei

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Rei (ray-ee) is a slightly difficult name to pronounce with a pleasant sonority

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