Norik - A historical boy name
Learn more about Norik, Norik has diverse meanings across cultures. It can mean "from the Noric people" in Celtic, "pure" in Albanian, "young man" in Armenian, and "king of the north" in Old High German..
Norik is a multifaceted name with diverse origins and meanings. Rooted in Celtic history, it signifies “from the Noric people.” Albanian and Armenian cultures also embraced this name, bestowing it with the meanings of “pure” and “young man,” respectively. In Old High German, Norik could symbolize “king of the north,” combining “nord” (north) and “rihhi” (powerful/rich).
What’s the origin of Norik
The name Norik has multiple origins, including Celtic, Albanian, Armenian, and Old High German.
What’s the meaning of Norik
Norik has diverse meanings across cultures. It can mean “from the Noric people” in Celtic, “pure” in Albanian, “young man” in Armenian, and “king of the north” in Old High German.
Variants of Norik
- Noric
- Norick
Similar names
Norik (Nor-ik) is a slightly difficult name to pronounce with a soft sonority