· name with n

Learn more about Nel, a name of 3 letters that starts with N.

Nel - A soft unisex name

Learn more about Nel, a name of 3 letters that starts with N.

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Nel is a beautiful unisex name with various origins and meanings. Especially common in Dutch-speaking countries for girls, it is a gender-neutral name that can be given to children of either sex.

What’s the origin of Nel

Nel is a Dutch diminutive of Cornelius or Cornelia, meaning “of the Cornelius family”. It is also a variant of the feminine name Nell, originating from the Gaelic name Niall, a renowned chieftain who played a significant role in unifying the Irish clans. This name bears the meanings “champion” and “cloud” derived from its Gaelic roots.

What’s the meaning of Nel

Depending on its origin, Nel can mean “of the Cornelius family”, “champion”, “cloud”, “the other Aenor”, “merciful”, “God is my light”, “torch”, “beautiful”, “light”, “bright”, and “shining”.

Variants of Nel

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Nel (nel) is a slightly difficult name to pronounce with a soft sonority

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