Mya - A lovely girl name
Learn more about Mya, Mya: A name brimming with diverse origins, carrying meanings from different cultures. Rooted in Persian, it simply means "my," expressing a sense of possession and closeness..
Mya: A name brimming with diverse origins, carrying meanings from different cultures. Rooted in Persian, it simply means “my,” expressing a sense of possession and closeness.
What’s the origin of Mya
Mya is thought to be of Persian origin, though it also shares connections with Maya and Mia.
What’s the meaning of Mya
Mya holds several meanings. In addition to its Persian meaning of “my,” it signifies “sea of bitterness” or “rebelliousness” as a form of Maya. From Mia, it conveys “beloved” and “wished-for child.” Maya, on the other hand, brings forth meanings like “illusion,” “essence,” and “cause.
Variants of Mya
Similar names
Mya (my-uh) is an easy name to pronounce with a soft sonority