Maria - A lovely girl name
Learn more about Maria, Maria means \"beloved\" or \"drop of the sea\".. A name of 5 letters that starts with M.
Maria is a feminine name with Hebrew origins. It is a variation of the biblical name Miriam, meaning “beloved” or “drop of the sea”. Maria has been a popular name in Europe for centuries, and is the most popular female name in the Philippines. It has also been used in the Americas since the Spanish colonization.
What’s the origin of Maria
Latin form of the Biblical name Mary, derived from the Hebrew name Miriam.
What’s the meaning of Maria
Maria means “beloved” or “drop of the sea”.
Variants of Maria
- Mary/Maria (English)
- Maire/Muire (Irish)
- Mária (Portuguese)
- Mara (Serbian)
- Maaike (Dutch)
- Marit (Norwegian)
Maria (Muh-REE-uh) is an easy name to pronounce with a soft sonority