Maïwenn - A soft girl name
Learn more about Maïwenn, Maïwenn is a Breton name derived from the combination of Marie and Gwenn.. A name of 7 letters that starts with M.
Maïwenn is a beautiful and unique name of Breton origin, embodying the essence of “white”, “blessed”, and “fair”. It captures the spirit of rebellion, exaltation, and the longing for a cherished child.
What’s the origin of Maïwenn
Maïwenn is a Breton name derived from the combination of Marie and Gwenn.
What’s the meaning of Maïwenn
Maïwenn carries a wealth of meanings, including “white”, “blessed”, “fair”, “sea of bitterness”, “drop of the sea”, “star of the sea”, “rebelliousness”, “exalted one”, and “wished for child”.
Variants of Maïwenn
- Maiwenn
- Maiwen
Similar names
- Maële
- Gwen
- Morgane
- Yseult
Maïwenn (My-wenn) is a slightly difficult name to pronounce with a soft sonority