Lyana - A natural girl name
Learn more about Lyana, Lyana, meaning 'lioness,' 'grace,' 'favor,' or 'of the clearing,' embodies strength, elegance, and a connection to nature..
Lyana, a name filled with diverse origins and meanings, is a testament to its adaptability and charm. Rooted in various cultures and languages, it carries a rich history and exudes a sense of grace and elegance.
What’s the origin of Lyana
Lyana is a variant of multiple names, including Liana, Liane, Leanna, Lyanna, and Eliana, each with its own unique origin and meaning.
What’s the meaning of Lyana
Lyana, meaning ‘lioness,’ ‘grace,’ ‘favor,’ or ‘of the clearing,’ embodies strength, elegance, and a connection to nature.
Variants of Lyana
Similar names
Lyana (LY-ah-nah) is a slightly difficult name to pronounce with a soft sonority