Lovisa - A historical girl name
Learn more about Lovisa, Lovisa translates to "famous female warrior" in English. It is derived from the Old High German elements "hlýt", meaning "famous" or "great," and "wíg", meaning "war" or "battle.".
Lovisa is a feminine name of Swedish origin, with a history dating back to the 13th century. It is derived from the Old High German elements “hlýt”, meaning “famous” or “great,” and “wíg”, meaning “war” or “battle.” Lovisa holds the connotation of a powerful and renowned female warrior, and it has been used in Scandinavia for centuries.
What’s the origin of Lovisa
Lovisa is of Swedish origin, derived from the Old High German name Ludwig or Louis.
What’s the meaning of Lovisa
Lovisa translates to “famous female warrior” in English. It is derived from the Old High German elements “hlýt”, meaning “famous” or “great,” and “wíg”, meaning “war” or “battle.”
Variants of Lovisa
Similar names
Lovisa (low-VEE-sah) is a slightly difficult name to pronounce with a soft sonority