Krisztina - A pleasant girl name
Learn more about Krisztina, The meaning of the name Krisztina is "a Christian" or "follower of Christ" and "anointed"..
Krisztina is a Hungarian feminine name, a popular variant of the name Christina which spread throughout Europe through the Middle Ages. The name has medieval Latin roots and means anointed or Christian.
What’s the origin of Krisztina
The Hungarian name Krisztina is a feminine variant of the name Christian, which is of ancient Greek origin.
What’s the meaning of Krisztina
The meaning of the name Krisztina is “a Christian” or “follower of Christ” and “anointed”.
Variants of Krisztina
- Christina
- Cristina
- Kristina
- Krystina
- Krystyna
Krisztina (KRIHST-tih-nah) is a slightly difficult name to pronounce with a pleasant sonority