Kristof - A pleasant boy name
Learn more about Kristof, A strong and masculine name with a rich heritage, Kristof exudes a sense of faith, protection, and devotion..
A strong and masculine name with a rich heritage, Kristof exudes a sense of faith, protection, and devotion.
What’s the origin of Kristof
Originating from the Greek name Christophoros, Kristof is a Scandinavian and Dutch variant of “Christopher”.
What’s the meaning of Kristof
Bearing Christ or Christ bearer, this name signifies a deep connection with the Christian faith and the teachings of Jesus.
Variants of Kristof
- Christof
- Christoff
- Christoph
- Kristoff
- Kryštof
Similar names
- Christopher
- Christian
- Cruz
- Christos
- Kristopher
Kristof (Kriːstof) is a slightly difficult name to pronounce with a pleasant sonority