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Learn more about Kristiaan, Dutch name derived from the Latin name Christianus (from \"christianus sum\" = I am a Christ) and is of ancient Greek origin (Christós/Χριστός)..

Kristiaan - A pleasant boy name

Learn more about Kristiaan, Dutch name derived from the Latin name Christianus (from \"christianus sum\" = I am a Christ) and is of ancient Greek origin (Christós/Χριστός)..

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Kristiaan is a Dutch version of the name Christian, deriving from the Greek word “Christos,” meaning “anointed one.” It has a strong religious connotation and represents the belief in Christ.

What’s the origin of Kristiaan

Dutch name derived from the Latin name Christianus (from “christianus sum” = I am a Christ) and is of ancient Greek origin (Christós/Χριστός).

What’s the meaning of Kristiaan

Kristiaan means “a Christian” or “follower of Christ” and “anointed” (from ancient Greek “khrístós/χρίστός” = anointed one or “khríο/χρίω” = to anoint, originally from Hebrew “mashíakh/משיחה” = anointed/messiah).

Variants of Kristiaan


Kristiaan (kree-styahn) is a slightly difficult name to pronounce with a pleasant sonority

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