Kaitlyn - A soft girl name
Learn more about Kaitlyn, Kaitlyn, a versatile feminine name with Celtic, Greek, and Coptic roots, captures grace, purity, and diversity..
Kaitlyn, a versatile feminine name with Celtic, Greek, and Coptic roots, captures grace, purity, and diversity.
What’s the origin of Kaitlyn
Kaitlyn stemmed from the Irish name Caitlin, derived from Catherine, ultimately tracing back to the Greek name Hekate.
What’s the meaning of Kaitlyn
Kaitlyn’s rich etymology gives multiple meanings: “pure” in Greek, “each singly” and “hundred” in ancient Greek, and “my consecration of your name” in Coptic.
Variants of Kaitlyn
Similar names
Kaitlyn (Kayt-lin) is a slightly difficult name to pronounce with a soft sonority