Kai - A natural unisex name
Learn more about Kai, Kai is a versatile name with diverse origins and meanings. Its interpretation can vary across cultures and languages..
Kai is a versatile name with diverse origins and meanings. Its interpretation can vary across cultures and languages.
What’s the origin of Kai
The origin of the name Kai is uncertain, with possible roots in Frisian, Latin, Celtic, Native American, Japanese, Chinese, and Hawaiian cultures.
What’s the meaning of Kai
Kai carries a range of meanings, including “warrior,” “victory of the people,” “brave spearman,” “from the town Gaeta,” “spear bearer/thrower,” “willow tree,” “pioneer,” “triumph,” “victory,” “ocean,” “sea,” and “pure.”
Variants of Kai
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Kai (Kai) is an easy name to pronounce with a soft sonority