Juri - A natural unisex name
Learn more about Juri, Juri is a gender-neutral name with different origins and meanings depending on the culture..
Juri is a gender-neutral name with different origins and meanings depending on the culture.
What’s the origin of Juri
Slavic and Japanese.
What’s the meaning of Juri
In Japan, Juri means ‘wood’ or ‘longevity’. In Slavic cultures, Juri means ‘farmer’ or ‘earthworker.
Variants of Juri
- Yuri
- Jouri
Similar names
- Juria
- Jury
- Jure
- Yury
- Yurri
- Giuri
- Jurij
- Georgi
Juri (Joo-ree) is a slightly difficult name to pronounce with a pleasant sonority