Jarik - A pleasant boy name
Learn more about Jarik, Jarik, a name with multiple origins and interpretations, possesses diverse meanings such as "spear", "powerful", "rich", "mighty", "ruler", "fierce", and "glorious"..
Jarik, a name with multiple origins and interpretations, possesses diverse meanings such as “spear”, “powerful”, “rich”, “mighty”, “ruler”, “fierce”, and “glorious”.
What’s the origin of Jarik
Jarik is a Frisian form of the names Gerrich or Gerrik, which are of Old High German origin. It is also a short form of the Slavic name Jaroslav.
What’s the meaning of Jarik
Jarik, a name with multiple origins, carries various meanings, including “spear” and “powerful” from Gerrich and Gerrik, and “fierce and glorious” from Jaroslav.
Variants of Jarik
- Jarick
Jarik (YAH-rik) is a slightly difficult name to pronounce with a pleasant sonority