Henriette - A soft girl name
Learn more about Henriette, Henriette is a classic and elegant name with French origins. It has a long history of use in various countries and languages and gives off a sophisticated and charming vibe..
Henriette is a classic and elegant name with French origins. It has a long history of use in various countries and languages and gives off a sophisticated and charming vibe.
What’s the origin of Henriette
Henriette is the feminine form of the French masculine name Henri, which derived from the Old High German name Heinrich.
What’s the meaning of Henriette
Henriette means “home ruler” (from Old High German “hagan” = enclosure or “heim” = home + “rihhi” = powerful/rich/mighty/ruler).
Variants of Henriette
- Harriet
- Henrieta
Similar names
Henriette (hen-ree-ett) is a slightly difficult name to pronounce with a soft sonority