Heide - A natural girl name
Learn more about Heide, Heide is a beautiful and meaningful name of German origin, perfect for parents who are looking for a name with a rich history and a positive meaning..
Heide is a beautiful and meaningful name of German origin, perfect for parents who are looking for a name with a rich history and a positive meaning.
What’s the origin of Heide
Heide is a short form of names with the element “heid”, especially of Adelheid, but also of e.g. Heiderose, Heidemarie or Heidrun.
What’s the meaning of Heide
Heide means “noble natured”, “of noble type” or “noble person” (from Old High German “adal” = noble + “heit” = kind/sort/type).
Variants of Heide
- Heidi
- Heiderose
- Heidemarie
- Heidrun
Similar names
Heide (HAY-dee) is an easy name to pronounce with a soft sonority