Flo - A natural unisex name
Learn more about Flo, flower, flourishing, prosperous. A name of 3 letters that starts with F.
Flo is a gender-neutral name that has multiple origins and meanings. It is a short form of names that begin with “Flo-”, such as Florence, Flora, and Florian. The name is derived from the Latin words “flos” meaning “flower” and “florens” meaning “flourishing” or “prosperous”. Flo is a popular name in various countries and has been ranked among the top 50 names in some regions.
What’s the origin of Flo
What’s the meaning of Flo
flower, flourishing, prosperous
Variants of Flo
- Flore
- Florencia
- Floriana
- Ffion
Similar names
Flo (floh) is an easy name to pronounce with a soft sonority